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Topic: Printing

Making Photocopies of Paper Surveys

Help Center PrintingLast updated: 11 October, 2023

Paper survey photocopy

Is it okay to make photocopies of paper surveys? Let's explore this question.

Making Photocopies: The Considerations

In general, it's not recommended to make photocopies of paper surveys, as the process of photocopying can lead to reduced print quality with each subsequent copy. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you must make photocopies, here are some considerations:

Photocopying Original Prints

  • Prefer Originals: Whenever possible, make photocopies from the original printed survey, not from previous photocopies. This helps maintain better quality.

Potential Issues

  • Recognition Challenges: Due to lower printing quality, some pages may not be recognized accurately, and you might need to enter the information manually.

  • Checkmarks Verification: Photocopies may result in checkmarks that require additional manual verification.

In Summary

While making photocopies of paper surveys is possible and has been done by many users, there are some trade-offs. Most photocopied documents were recognized successfully, but it often required more manual data verification than usual.

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