Retirement Home Employee Satisfaction Survey Template

Looking for a paper-based survey data collection solution for your organization? Take a look at this retirement home employee satisfaction survey template for your upcoming research project.

Our templates come with well-designed questions that can be machine-read to recognize the checkmarks using optical mark recognition (OMR) technologies. Open text areas recognized with handwriting recognition (HWR) technologies allowing you to write handwritten text and automatically convert to a digitized format.

Questions in this survey: 38, Language: English

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List of questions in this template

  1. Nursing Home Employee Satisfaction Survey
  2. My work has positive impact on resident's lives.
  3. Co-workers value the role I play in providing resident care.
  4. I usually have a consistent assignment.
  5. I received training I need to do my job in this retirement home.
  6. The administrator is available and open to speaking with me.
  7. Question 2
  8. I feel the care I provide is appreciated by the residents and their families.
  9. Co-workers from all departments support residents and each other.
  10. I have input into the development of my schedule.
  11. My supervisor and I talk about my needs.
  12. The director is available and open to speaking with me.
  13. Job Satisfaction
  14. My supervisor appreciates the work I do for residents.
  15. My co-workers put residents first.
  16. I usually have reasonable workload.
  17. I am provided training opportunities to improve my skills.
  18. I can talk openly and honestly with my supervisor about work related issues.
  19. I have equipment and resources necessary to perform my assignments well.
  20. Team and Communication
  21. My team communicates well.
  22. My supervisor allows adjustments to schedules when needs arise.
  23. I am given opportunities for professional growth.
  24. My supervisor values my opinion.
  25. I would recommend this retirement home to my family and friends.
  26. I take pride in my team and the work we do to care for residents.
  27. Scheduling and Staffing
  28. I find our in-services valuable.
  29. My supervisor respects me and treats me fairly.
  30. I would recommend working here for my friends.
  31. I am aware of this retirement home goals and vision.
  32. Training
  33. My workplace is safe and well-maintained.
  34. My workplace is safe and well-maintained.
  35. Management
  36. I feel that my pay is fair for the local community.
  37. I feel that my pay is fair for the local community.
  38. How long have you worked in this retirement home?

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